Thursday 4 September 2014

Videogames and heavy metal make young people more likely to commit violent crime.

I think this statement is true in some ways because heavy metal is just all about screaming, bashing of the drums will make you angry and energetic. This will make the person who is listening do some outrageous, dangerous and violent thing, such as: pushing people, fighting and damanging property. It is a fact that people who listen to heavy metal in the morning, or whenever is capable of doing disruptive things. I've read that a man went to a school and shot loads of kids. He wasn't doing drug or drinking alcohol. In fact, he was listening to heavy metal, which made him angry. However, it is not always the music that makes people do things. It might be that they are having a bad day. On the other hand, videogames might make you commit crime aswell. For instance, GTA will most likely influence you to do the stuff you see in the game. For example, you can steel a car, rob a bank and kill prostitutes and so on. These scences are very explicit and shouldn't be played by youngers. This is why they have an age limit, which is usually for 18+. This is because 18+ is more mature and will know not to do these type of things in real life. When people are playing these games, they think it's fun so they will think it is okay to do it in reality. It's not just young people who listen to heavy metal and plays video games. It is also adults.

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