Thursday 18 September 2014

This shot is a medium close-up from the movie 'Minority Report.' This medium close-up shows the emotion in the faces of all the police officers, this tells the audience that they are angry and eger to catch Tom Cruise (hero). From this shot you know that there are lots of police officers coming to get Tom Cruise, in the train station whop is trying to get away. Also this medium close -up shot gives us a view of their body language, through their shoulders.

This is a second camera shot from the trailer 'Minority Report' which is called the establishment shot. This shows the whole setting and a wider view, on what is going to happen next and where it is going to take place. From this the audience can see where Tom Cruise is coming from, followed by the police officers into the alleway. This camera shot almost bulids up tension, when seeing Tom Cruise running away from a bunch of police officers who's after him.

This is an example of a close-up. Tom Cruise gives a perfect example of a close-up and showing the concentration and a kind of 'You can't catch me' attitude. The angle his face is positioned tells the audience, that he's waiting for the police officers to get a little closer so he can make a run for it, or to check if he lost them when running. We can also see that his whole body is half turnt round, by looking at his shoulders.

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